
32 species of migratory aquatic birds documented in Banke

32 species of migratory aquatic birds documented in Banke

नेपाल सम्वत् ११४५ सिल्लाथ्वः ५ ( २१ माघ , २०८१) फेब्रुअरी ३ , २०२५ , सोमबार, बाँपीझ्याला ।Thirty-two species of migratory aquatic birds have been recorded in Banke this winter, according to a recent bird census. Bird conservationist Ashish Chaudhary stated that an additional 32 species were identified during the census conducted along the Rapti River at Kusum, Raptisonari Rural Municipality-1. These species were observed across the Sikta region, spanning from Kusum along the Rapti River to various lakes and rivers within the district.

Chaudhary further noted that Kanti Lake alone hosts 20 species of winter migratory water birds, while 32 species have been documented across the district. He emphasized that the number of birds could rise significantly if wetland conservation and habitat management efforts were strengthened. Ornithologist Ram Shahi reported sightings of Ruddy Shelducks, Siberian birds, and migratory species from Russia during the census. However, he warned that the accumulation of waste in ponds and lakes is shrinking the birds’ natural habitats.

“Their habitats are also under threat due to noise pollution from picnic sites located near ponds and lakes,” Shahi added. The survey also recorded aquatic species such as Gadwall and Lesser Whistling Ducks. A total of 276 birds were documented in the census conducted by Banke National Park and the Buffer Zone community.

Mandeep Pangeni, Information Officer at Banke National Park, stated that a team led by Ornithologist Joshi carried out a two-day survey. Various species were found in the areas surrounding the Rapti River, local forests, and Kanti and Sutaiya ponds, where their habitats were deemed relatively safe. Pangeni expressed confidence that conducting such surveys annually would contribute to better habitat management and conservation efforts for these birds.

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