Jessica Saud, a 9-year-old from Badimalika Municipality-5 in Bajura, Nepal, has defied the odds and survived a devastating accident that left 35% of her body severely burnt. Dr. Surendra Basnet, a plastic surgeon and senior consultant at Kist Medical College, shared the remarkable journey of rescuing Jessica from the brink of death, highlighting the rarity of her recovery in Nepal.
The young girl’s ordeal began with a tragic cooking accident, resulting in severe burns to a significant portion of her body. After being referred from Bajura District Hospital to Kathmandu, Jessica was admitted to Kist Medical College in critical condition. The medical team, led by Dr. Basnet and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Krishna Kumar Nagarkoti, faced the daunting task of saving her life.
Jessica underwent a series of four major surgeries and twelve minor procedures to address the extensive burns on her lower body. Dr. Basnet noted that such deep burn injuries typically have a low chance of successful treatment in Nepal. However, due to financial constraints preventing travel to a better-equipped hospital in India, the medical team resolved to treat her in Kathmandu.
Jessica’s journey to recovery was made possible through collaborative efforts between the Badimalika Foundation Nepal, the Medical Rehabilitation Organization, and Kist Hospital. Despite the significant financial burden associated with her treatment, Jessica received support from these organizations, along with substantial discounts provided by the hospital.
Dr. Basnet emphasized the extraordinary quality of care provided by Kist Hospital at minimal fees, acknowledging that Jessica’s treatment would have otherwise cost a substantial amount. Jessica’s mother, Pabitra, expressed profound gratitude to all involved in her daughter’s miraculous recovery, highlighting the collective efforts that saved Jessica’s life.
Reflecting on Jessica’s case, Dr. Basnet underscored the importance of providing medical services beyond mere financial considerations. While he had treated many burn patients before, Jessica’s case stood out due to its severity and the challenges it presented. Her remarkable recovery serves as a testament to the power of collective action and compassionate healthcare delivery in Nepal.