Aliya Shah, a 13-year-old seventh-grader at Shree Basic School in Bramhapur, Bharatpur Metropolitan City, reflects on her transformative journey within the Waste Smart Club. Initially skeptical about its purpose, Aliya’s perception shifted after 1.5 years of active involvement. She now proudly serves as the joint secretary of the club, emphasizing the importance of waste management in fostering a healthy environment.
Recalling the inception of the Waste Smart Club two years ago, Aliya recounts her school’s prior lack of awareness regarding waste management. The indiscriminate disposal of waste was commonplace until the club initiated efforts to promote cleanliness and waste segregation. Through recycling initiatives and creative utilization of waste materials, Aliya and her peers have instilled a culture of environmental stewardship within their school and homes.
Aliya’s ingenuity extends to crafting functional items from recycled materials, such as pen holders made from plastic bottles and ornamental pieces like bangle collages. Moreover, the club conducts educational programs and quiz competitions to raise awareness among students about waste management practices, fostering a sense of responsibility towards the environment.
Similarly, Kalyan Sunar, a 15-year-old seventh-grader at the same school, highlights his two-year journey with the Waste Smart Club, emphasizing the transformative impact of waste management education. Collaborative efforts with peers and teachers have enabled Kalyan to spearhead community clean-up drives and tree plantation initiatives, promoting environmental sustainability.
Sita Magar, a 16-year-old student at Shree Chameli Devi Piya Secondary School-3 Bharatpur, shares her profound gratitude for the Waste Smart Club, which she has been a part of for five years. Serving as the club’s secretary, Sita emphasizes its role in fostering environmental consciousness and empowering younger students through educational programs.
Subash Gharti Magar, a 16-year-old ninth-grader at the same school, echoes Sita’s sentiments, highlighting the club’s endeavors in constructing vertical gardens and organizing waste management workshops and debates. Through collaborative efforts and innovative approaches, the Waste Smart Club continues to inspire positive change and environmental stewardship within the community.
These testimonies underscore the invaluable impact of youth-led initiatives in promoting sustainable practices and fostering environmental consciousness. As students like Aliya, Kalyan, Sita, and Subash continue to champion the cause of waste management, they epitomize the transformative power of collective action in building a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.