Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has affirmed the commitment of the incumbent government to prioritize democracy and civil rights, emphasizing the protection of freedom of expression. Speaking at the 39th Anniversary of Nepal Television, he stressed the importance of free democratic practices and expressed his belief in allowing broadcast content to adhere to the basic norms of democracy, civil rights, and freedom of expression.
Prime Minister Dahal underscored the necessity for Nepal Television to modernize in alignment with advancements in the information and communication sector, urging timely adoption of new technologies in production and broadcasting. He advised the organization to develop a long-term plan and clear vision for its development, ensuring that content production aligns with the interests of the general public.
Additionally, Dahal mentioned the government’s efforts to merge Nepal Television and Radio Nepal into a public service broadcasting organization through legislation currently under parliamentary consideration. He encouraged the formulation of resolutions for projects with positive impacts, assuring government support.
Dahal emphasized the combination of technology and talent in television broadcasting, urging Nepal Television to prioritize audience interests and ensure accessibility across digital platforms. He highlighted the importance of professionalism and creativity in content creation, while also advocating for self-regulation in media to enhance credibility and accountability.
Furthermore, the Prime Minister addressed the increased responsibility of mainstream media and journalists in disseminating accurate and balanced news, particularly in the era of social media. He praised Nepal Television’s efforts in broadcasting programs around the clock, reflecting activities at the provincial and local government levels in line with federalism principles. Dahal expressed confidence in Nepal Television’s ability to fulfill its duties toward the state and its responsibility to citizens, promoting mutual goodwill, national unity, and the spirit of the constitution through its broadcasts.